There’s a group of women in CHIEF who commit their time each week to write and post in LinkedIn. They’ve become quite the tight-knit community — a collective of thought leaders, a hen house of teasers. We banter, we think aloud, we pontificate. Some humble-brag. Some wish for the stars. Some are stars. As we write, we get to know each other… we comment on each other’s posts. We forget sometimes that anyone (anyone) can read our musings and thoughts.

In the post below, I shared a story with my LinkedIn Pod on the CHIEF network… I didn’t share it on LinkedIn. What we do is fun for us… but it has value well beyond our personal connections. What we do matters; we’re giving other people Hope.

Younger workers used to watch and learn about others in the corporate lunchroom. Now that lunchroom spans the planet — and people can watch and observe others from oceans away. What a blessing technology has brought… that young women in Africa can sit in on conversations between seasoned executives in the U.S. … and then reach out and introduce themselves, and ask questions. The young woman in my blog post below will have so many possibilities available to her… May she THRIVE. ❤️