Friday – 19-November

There’s never enough time when I’m in Bangalore. The work week was a blur of meetings and activity. I went out one night with my guys to the Hard Rock Cafe. Another night I went to a friend’s house for Chinese takeout. There were shawls purchased, new shirts stitched, and savare sets bought – oh, and of course, a million bangles… I got my sugar-free gulab jamons. I even found a cobbler to repair some of my shoes from India at a fraction of the cost in the States ($1 vs $14). As usual, it was hard to leave. One of my managers said to me as I was leaving – “When you are here, it feels like the whole family is together.” I so loved that… almost made me cry. (Just ‘almost’…) One of my friends in the US commented on how much of my identity was based in my work with these teams – and it is… how could it not be, when you love these people so very much?