Volume XXI-Mai-XXMM

I have shared a lot more than I intended to when I started this little communication outreach project. I honestly thought I was going to forward funny memes, links to interesting stories or personal development opportunities, rah-rah pitches from Tony Robbins, etc. I even told someone “it would take me 20 minutes a day – tops” (oooopsie!)
 But, as a product of where things are in our fragile world and your ongoing encouragement, I have written a lot more “perspective pieces” than I envisioned doing. It has been a lot of work, but it has been surprisingly cathartic to have an opportunity to just share
 and occasionally have some of you share back. With that as a warm-up

The (next) addiction I most need to work to overcome is my attachment to the lie we call Perfection. There; I said it. And just like when I walked away from alcohol 12 years ago, I recognize that stating it publicly to a group who will see and hold me accountable is the first real step to fighting any addiction.  

This has been occupying some of my brain space for a couple of weeks now after I saw an online talk with Jewel (singer, poet, creative genius, mental health advocate) who spoke of working to overcome her need for perfection. It really does get in the way of a lot of #joy, but this offending behavior is likely to be more difficult to eliminate than my love for aged cabernet and a good jammy zinfandel ever was. In time, I’m confident these shifts will be even more transformational for me and I can’t imagine a better time to work on this, when it seems the whole world is less interested in font sizes, comma splices, and whether or not you should’ve worn a power suit to that meeting. 

One of my dearest friends here on the west coast is a family therapist and shares a lot of Glennon Doyle on her professional Facebook site. I haven’t steered in Glennon’s direction, but I might start looking that way. I ran across the post below and thought it summed up perfectly (pun intended) why this is important: “The Magic is in the Mess. The Humanity is in the Glitches. The Message is in the Missing Letters.”  

To all you heroes out there who are still showing up – day after day – making everything happen for everyone around you
 Enjoy your Magic, embrace all the Humanity you find, and don’t sweat what you think might be Missing. You are enough; we are enough. We are each just exactly what we need to be, right where we are. 

Yep – I want to do really hard thigs. And that starts with the right ones, not the perfect ones.  💕