


Mission Accomplished

Tuesday mid-day — April 24, 2012  Every work day should begin with an adventure!  I found an opening in my schedule and dashed to Commercial Street this morning to enjoy a couple of hours of “guerilla shopping”…  With list in hand, I…


India Investing

Monday afternoon — April 23, 2012 One of my “side projects” for this trip was to sell a gold bangle I purchased several years ago.  As luck would have it, gold prices have increased nearly 50% since I bought the…


125 Shopping Days until Christmas

I’m in Heaven… well, maybe just the Heaviside Layer. (get it? “Cats”?) The Grand Bazaar was the very last stop on the Silk Road and is one of the largest ‘malls’ in the world with 4,400 shops along 64 streets…


Shopping Fix(es)

So after the Blue Mosque, I wound my way around back (it’s amazing how much kicked in that I remembered from my last visit here)… and made my way through a small cobblestone tunnel to the Arasta Bazaar. I said,…



Sunday evening – Nov 14I hit some new stores this afternoon thanks my new rickshaw driver. This guy ‘works’ the hotel – staying out front and (persistently) offering his services to the guests. I distinctly remember telling him to leave…


Spoil > Shop > Spoil

Sunday morning (29-August)I arose early – lots to do… and the party continued. Though it wasn’t on the breakfast buffet, the team scrounged up a gulab jamon and brought to my table. Who would have ever thought Bangalore could be…


I believe I met my match.

Sunday – June 20, 6pmSome of my Indian colleagues at work joke that I am ‘turning into an Indian’ (with all the jewelry, shoes, clothes, etc.) – and I admit that every visit I’m a little more bold in going…


Cash and Bling are both KING.

Friday – 18-June, 10pm So this afternoon I had to get away… After all, I had been in town more than 48hrs and not even been near Commercial Street. I hitched an auto-rickshaw. It’s not my first solo ride (that…
