


Gentler Times: Krasinski and Kermit

Volume XXVIII-Avril-XXMM SGN Potluck: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 5 John Krasinski just keeps pulling together these 15min video montages of complete happiness.  Want to get “fed”?  (watch the video – it’s a theme…)  Enjoy! Simplicity.  Nostalgia.  Sometimes memories…


John Krasinski for Prom King

Volume XVII-Avril-XXMM John Krasinski for Prom King!  This guy realllly is just sooooo awesome.  Click the image for more details – but it’s tonight (Friday) at 5pm PT on his YouTube channel (SGN: Some Good News) if your kids want to go.  (Or if…


Prom! … plus MM La Fleur’s To-Do List

Volume XX-Avril-XXMM Prom 2020: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 4 As if throwing a global virtual prom with bonafide rock stars wasn’t enough…  he also broadcast from space in this episode.  Yeah, like outer space.  Cool, huh? The list below…


Baseball & Bocelli

Volume XIII-Avril-XXMM Baseball is Back: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 3 He’s done it again…  It’s all good, but the “big story” starts at 10:10… don’t know how he pulls these things together, but I lovvvvve it! Andrea Bocelli –…


Motivators Assessment

Volume VI-Avril-MMXX SGN: Some Good News with John Krasinski, Ep2 (YouTube, 17min) Okay, you have to promise me that no matter what you’ll at least go to 8:25 and watch from there.  I can absolutely fully commit to you that…


SGN with John Krasinski

Volume II-Avril-MMXX SGN: Some Good News with John Krasinski (Facebook, 16min) And though it may be super risky to do this… these are my favorite moments in his Good News reel → 2:35, 3:30, 4:35, 11:20 It’s simple, right?  “They” have…
