


We Can Do Hard Thigs 😊

Volume XXI-Mai-XXMM I have shared a lot more than I intended to when I started this little communication outreach project. I honestly thought I was going to forward funny memes, links to interesting stories or personal development opportunities, rah-rah pitches…


Go Create Waves

Volume V-Mai-XXMM I’ve long known that the ripples of what we do – good and bad – roll much further downstream than just the point of where the rock strikes the surface.  I’ve experienced the butterfly effect firsthand when the impact reaches…


Holstee Manifesto + Lionheart

Volume VI-Mai-XXMM After yesterday’s note, a former colleague and now lifelong friend sent me a link to the image below. I didn’t ask her, but I thought it would be appropriate to share. [She’s a little busy with a brand…


Perspective Shift

Volume X-Avril-XXMM Happy Easter  ~  Happy Passover  ~  Happy Spring art credit:  Jenny @ Glitter & Grey Perspective Shift.  My good friend and Orangetheory coach, Vic, responded to the last message about the importance of Words with something I wanted to share.  She…


Motivators Assessment

Volume VI-Avril-MMXX SGN: Some Good News with John Krasinski, Ep2 (YouTube, 17min) Okay, you have to promise me that no matter what you’ll at least go to 8:25 and watch from there.  I can absolutely fully commit to you that…


SGN with John Krasinski

Volume II-Avril-MMXX SGN: Some Good News with John Krasinski (Facebook, 16min) And though it may be super risky to do this… these are my favorite moments in his Good News reel → 2:35, 3:30, 4:35, 11:20 It’s simple, right?  “They” have…
