


Character and Integrity

News Flash: Character and integrity are unrelated to political or religious affiliation. Keep your heart and your eyes open and you’ll find lessons for both in unexpected and wonderful places.

E2C_Connection, E2C_FutureofWork

What We Do Matters

There’s a group of women in CHIEF who commit their time each week to write and post in LinkedIn. They’ve become quite the tight-knit community — a collective of thought leaders, a hen house of teasers. We banter, we think…


Kenyatta… you are so much light to this world

Range. From the campground to the art museum. High tech and death doulas. Berkeley and Harvard Business School (and, UT-Martin). Somehow it all is coming together… and I love this canvas. Find and follow Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle (IG: @kachstudio). She’s…



“Bias for Action” has been a catchphrase for years, a hollow one. I don’t want someone who “favors” action. I want someone who TAKES action…someone who MAKES things happen. There’s a big difference. Plenty of people talk about things… exceptional…
