
Lalit Ashok


The LaLit Ashok – Transformed!

Friday – 19-November The hotel has been ablaze with activity this week in preparation for the big anniversary celebration on Friday night. Thought I’d share some pix of the preparation – a new stage and dance floor built over the…


Corporate Event

I remember being here last time and there was a birthday party for a two-year-old that had something like 400 guests. Well I can’t wait to see what this “corporate event” is… First of all, it knocked me out of…


Howling Birds & Fancy Coffee

Monday morning (30-August) The weather is on the cool side here in Bangalore right now. Yesterday was very mild – in the low 80s… and this morning by the pool is even a little chilly. ‘Swimmer Guy’ has returned and…


My Peeps.

Sunday – June 20, 3pmIn this blog I talk frequently about my ‘family’ here at the Ashok. Today after the Exhibition I stopped in for a quick bite of lunch and the Baluchi Boys asked for a picture with me…



Sunday – June 20, 2pm While eating breakfast this morning, Balu stopped by to visit and told me about an art and handicraft exhibition just a five-minute walk from the hotel. Oh, what fun! I just returned from a two-hour…


They Pack My Lunch.

Friday – 18-June, 10am I have mentioned before that the staff at this hotel have somewhat adopted me – joining in on my firsts and patiently oooh-ing and aaaah-ing at every pashmina and one-gram bangle I purchase. Well on this…


Lamb or Lion?

Tuesday – 15-June, 11pm What’s the old saying about “coming in like a lamb or a lion”? Well, honey… my Mama didn’t raise no lamb! 🙂 I arrived home-home tonight at the LaLit Ashok. I swear it looked and sounded…


Not so hot. [Saturday, Jan-30]

… but I’ll take it! In all the times I’ve been here, I have never set foot in the spa until last Tuesday. So this morning I got up and toodled around. I made my way upstairs and found an…


I survived. [Tuesday, Jan-26]

Nope, I did not drown. And I now have something new to add to my routine here at the Ashok! Head and shoulder massage. Therapeutic oils. Followed by time in the sauna and then the steam room. Oooooooh, this is…


“Other” American Women. [Tuesday, Jan-26]

Well, I took the hotel by storm. I’m the modern day equivalent of Sherman taking Atlanta and these guys just don’t quite know what to think of me. (Sherman… wonder how looked in pink?!) I get out of the car…
