


Outtakes & Bloopers

We made it home safe and sound… just ahead of Hurricane Irene’s march up the eastern seaboard. As I was thinking back on the week this morning while trying to hold my ‘standing head to knee’ pose in yoga, I…


Another picture perfect day

Today was catch-up day… We had intentionally left today pretty open to go back and take care of ‘unfinished business’… which meant we had time to buy more carpets! We had planned to start the day with one of the…


Eating our way along the Bosphorus

Each day on this trip has had a theme… Monday was culture and history day. Tuesday was shopping day. And Wednesday was – without a doubt – FOOD day. We started the day with a cruise north on the Bosphorus…


125 Shopping Days until Christmas

I’m in Heaven… well, maybe just the Heaviside Layer. (get it? “Cats”?) The Grand Bazaar was the very last stop on the Silk Road and is one of the largest ‘malls’ in the world with 4,400 shops along 64 streets…


Two Turkeys in Istanbul

Lee arrived this morning on a 5:30 flight from Beijing. Once we compared our ‘plunder’ from the previous day’s shopping (albeit from different continents), we went to work on our itinerary of the day. Today was sightseeing day and we…


Party at the ‘drome!

The square in front of the Blue Mosque covers the site of the ancient “Hippodrome” – one of the most famous areas in Byzantine Constantinople. The Hippodrome was once the equivalent of the Roman Circus Maximus – the original was…


Shopping Fix(es)

So after the Blue Mosque, I wound my way around back (it’s amazing how much kicked in that I remembered from my last visit here)… and made my way through a small cobblestone tunnel to the Arasta Bazaar. I said,…


Over Budget. (way over)

I’m maxxed out. I have completely exceeded my allotment for the week – though I’ve only been on the ground about five hours. Calories. Expenses. You name it; I’m over budget. Now remember – I just got checked into my…


Istanbul. Here’s your history lesson.

There’s a reason I don’t tweet: I’m a compulsive sharer. And I know you guys are too busy to hear about how I made one last healthy choice here at the airport (chicken nuggets + apple slices + water) before…


I know I really shouldn’t do this…

After all the lost luggage in far away lands, I know better than to do this. I will surely jinx things and have no one to blame but myself. But… I have amazing travel karma today. Maybe it’s the fact…
