


Settling In.

Wednesday – 16-June, 2pmSqueals and gulab jamons. My first day in the office was a real treat, as always. The day was busy with a revolving door of people stopping by… wedding invites were delivered (from my staff, NOT the…


Feels Like Home.

Wednesday – 16-June, 8am I don’t know quite how to articulate this, but I love being some place SOOOOO different than home… and yet it being so much like home that I fall right back into old comfortable routines. Deepak…


Lamb or Lion?

Tuesday – 15-June, 11pm What’s the old saying about “coming in like a lamb or a lion”? Well, honey… my Mama didn’t raise no lamb! 🙂 I arrived home-home tonight at the LaLit Ashok. I swear it looked and sounded…


Back in the Trenches.

Tuesday – 15-June, 2pm No, literally! I arrived last night. Little flight connection delay/drama… followed by a sixteen hour flight and then an excruciating wait at baggage claim. Yes, my luggage arrived. I think the ground crew was holding it…


Tuesday 20-April (9pm): Handlers

(This one is for Mom & Dad.)People often ask if I feel safe travelling alone outside the States, and I often respond that I’d have to try REALLY hard to get into trouble because I have so many handlers watching…


Sunday 18-April (5pm): I do it myself!

It’s no surprise to any of you that my first complete sentence was “I do it myself”… However, in Bangalore that has been difficult to put into practice. I have an extensive set of well-intended ‘handlers’ here and every move…


Sweets and treats. [Sunday, Jan-31]

To cap off the end of a perfect weekend, we took a drive around Bangalore after dinner. Traffic had somewhat settled down (as much as traffic ever settles down in Bangalore) and the night air was pleasant. We drove around…
