


Those men can dance!

Wednesday, Nov-17 Today we had our equivalent of a “company Christmas party” in Bangalore. We went to a resort called Club Cabana and had a blast. I got my first ride on an ‘Indian bus’ – curtains and all. Then…



Monday morning – Nov 15, 5amI was exhausted last night, but woke up at least once an hour after about 1am. I gave up and headed down to the lobby around 5am. I knew the British Airways flight would arrive…



Sunday evening – Nov 14I hit some new stores this afternoon thanks my new rickshaw driver. This guy ‘works’ the hotel – staying out front and (persistently) offering his services to the guests. I distinctly remember telling him to leave…


Corporate Event

I remember being here last time and there was a birthday party for a two-year-old that had something like 400 guests. Well I can’t wait to see what this “corporate event” is… First of all, it knocked me out of…


Off to a ____ start.

Sunday Morning – Nov 14, 10amFor everything to be ‘wrong’, I sure am having a GREAT TIME! I’m here, safe – and that’s always something to be thankful for… But my gracious it certainly has been one micro-drama after another……


Going ‘Home’…

I never plan to leave Tennessee — at least not as my “permanent” home… but if ever there was a place (another place) where I feel the excitement of going to see family — it’s Bangalore. Someone asked me recently…


Spoil > Shop > Spoil

Sunday morning (29-August)I arose early – lots to do… and the party continued. Though it wasn’t on the breakfast buffet, the team scrounged up a gulab jamon and brought to my table. Who would have ever thought Bangalore could be…


Survival of the Sanest

Late late late Saturday night (28-August) Getting from Point A to Point B seems like such a simple goal… But put three flights, a few hundred passengers, multiple security checks, and miles and miles of endless walking through monstrously large…



Friday night, 27-AugustThe days with my international teams are such a treat – they truly are. You get these precious few hours to spend time with folks who work hard 24/7 just for a sincere ‘thank you’ and it reminds…


Crossing the Pond.

Thursday, 26-August I’m here. My luggage is here. My travelling colleague did not get off quite so easily as he was ‘Stranded in Seoul’ for the night. Flights out of the States were easy – but what is it with…
