


The Trek Home

Thursday – April 27, 2012 All work and no play the last two days…  Things have been HOPPING here at the office.  It’s now time to leave my beloved Bangalore and I struggled to say goodbye.  These guys have been…


Mission Accomplished

Tuesday mid-day — April 24, 2012  Every work day should begin with an adventure!  I found an opening in my schedule and dashed to Commercial Street this morning to enjoy a couple of hours of “guerilla shopping”…  With list in hand, I…


An Auspicious Day

Tuesday morning — breakfast My 24-hour settling in period has expired and now the real work begins.  I checked so many things off “the list” yesterday — bought gold on an auspicious day (check), took my wicked maharjah shoes to…


India Investing

Monday afternoon — April 23, 2012 One of my “side projects” for this trip was to sell a gold bangle I purchased several years ago.  As luck would have it, gold prices have increased nearly 50% since I bought the…


Wonderful day at the office

Monday morning — April 23, 2012 Bet you don’t hear that much from me!  Today was a very loud day.  I told Sareen I was thankful he wasn’t there to “shush” me (he’s in Tokyo, will get to see him…


Welcome Back!

Monday — April 23,  2012 I arrived in Bangalore right on schedule — 4am, ugggh — and with all luggage accounted for.  (I always find myself saying a little silent prayer as that luggage belt rolls around…..  hoping/praying/begging for my…


Short Trip to my Beloved India

Friday — April 21, 2012 It has been far too long since I last set foot on India soil.  I leave tomorrow to make the trek halfway around the planet — stopping briefly in Chicago and then Abu Dhabi before…



Friday – 19-NovemberThere’s never enough time when I’m in Bangalore. The work week was a blur of meetings and activity. I went out one night with my guys to the Hard Rock Cafe. Another night I went to a friend’s…


The LaLit Ashok – Transformed!

Friday – 19-November The hotel has been ablaze with activity this week in preparation for the big anniversary celebration on Friday night. Thought I’d share some pix of the preparation – a new stage and dance floor built over the…
