


Kenyatta… you are so much light to this world

Range. From the campground to the art museum. High tech and death doulas. Berkeley and Harvard Business School (and, UT-Martin). Somehow it all is coming together… and I love this canvas. Find and follow Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle (IG: @kachstudio). She’s…



We all feel it. Not enough of us talk about it… Yet, there I was on a stage with many dear professional friends in the audience making a run at discussing the very real notion that we all struggle with…


Modern-Day Mr. Rogers

Wisdom in spades. Whether you spend your days in corporate America or tending your garden… no matter how you spend your time, Ted Lasso’s Leadership Principles are really LIFE Principles.


Don’t Pretend Not to See

Volume III-Juin-XXMM Note – I’ve decided to re-share a Facebook post I wrote today, as I believe it fits within the spirit of this group.    ❤️, TJL I drove down The Alameda this afternoon and it was difficult to see the businesses…


Healing Thoughts – June 1, 2020

Volume I-Juin-XXMM Can it really already be June? And have we really been managing these world/life/soul changes for >100 days now? Pretty amazing… even for a bunch of absolute rock stars. I dare say we’ll all look back in 10…
