

E2C_Bella, E2C_FutureofWork

Community is Everything

#Bellameetings #Bestmeetings The new world of work allows us to be anywhere, everywhere, and in our best possible frame of mind. Here’s to more fresh air, more #womenempoweringwomen, and #moreofthis.



We all feel it. Not enough of us talk about it… Yet, there I was on a stage with many dear professional friends in the audience making a run at discussing the very real notion that we all struggle with…


Everyone is in this Together

Anxiety is crushing… it is also highly contagious. So is enthusiasm and opportunity. Many chose the latter through the pandemic, despite terrible circumstances and insurmountable uncertainty. As the next wave comes through, for those of us who can choose enthusiasm…


Courageous Leadership

Openness and Humility Putting 1st Principles First Creating Safe Environments But personally, I think this post got such good traction on LinkedIn because it’s the cutest photo hook I’ve ever seen.


Modern-Day Mr. Rogers

Wisdom in spades. Whether you spend your days in corporate America or tending your garden… no matter how you spend your time, Ted Lasso’s Leadership Principles are really LIFE Principles.
