Thursday, July 8 – 10:30pm in Dallas

It was a perfectly normal day … Just like any day I’m flying to Beijing… (read that with sarcasm) I should have known when an unidentified 800# came across my cell while I was on the phone with a work buddy that there was trouble. As it turned out, weAther in Dallas caused flight delays and reschedules across about half the flights leaving Nashville – including mine. So my perfectly arranged itinerary to Beijing fell completely apart. I had looked forward to my first non-stop from Chicago to Beijing – instead I spent an hour with the most determined ticket agent evvvvver and after forty dead-ends, she found me a way to The Forbidden City… By way of Dallas, to Los Angeles, and on to Beijing. I land 5.5 hours later (5:20 a.m. instead of the midnight arrival previously scheduled) – but at least I’ll get there before my Great Wall excursion starts at 8am on Saturday morning.

I’m in Dallas now… Keep your fingers crossed that I’ve paid my penance for this trip and will have no other hiccups.