If you don’t remember this Peaches & Herb classic, then you’re too young to be reading this adult-only blog. (Just kidding, Jackson and John!) So I’m replacing “Nope, Nyet, Nada” with “Yes! Oui! Si-si!

After my first week at the office, I finally have my “delayed” luggage as of Friday night. I left the office all in a funk… I had lost track of time and then called British Air for a check-in, but it was past 6pm and they were already closed for the evening. So I called the hotel from the office to ask if my luggage was at the front desk in the concierge area – and it wasn’t. So I knew – just knew – that it was, of course, still AWOL. I almost (almost…) asked the driver to take me to one of the larger malls in the area to make one last attempt at re-wardrobing for this trip. But my internal compass steered me back to The Grand Ashok. For absolutely no reason (because my luggage wasn’t sitting behind the desk, as I was told it would be once it was received), I asked yet again for an update and gave the concierge my room number. He said – “Oh, yes, I have been trying to call you. You work very late. We have both your bags – I put them in storage.”

I squealed, I shed at least a couple of tears of joy (or was that relief?), and basically announced to the dozen or so folks in the lobby that after a tough week I FINALLY had my missing luggage. (I know… all I needed was a tiara…. It was definitely a princess-moment.) I’m quite surprised the crowd didn’t break into applause. 😉

So, all’s well that ends well. May this NEVER ever happen to any of you reading this blog…