
Not all travel is into the great unknown... some takes you 'home', to your people. I found my roots again after the pandemic with an aluminum love child named Bella and the 50 aunts and uncles who just can't seem to get enough of her. The Airstream community took me completely by surprise, but it's not the campers that create the connection -- it's the love of outdoors and nature, working hard to prepare an obscenely over-the-top family meal "just because", and genuine affinity for the stories that brought each of us here.

Any experience where you have an opportunity to learn the stories of others, try new foods, see how people live differently - each of those moments changes your life just a little. If you're lucky, your worldview becomes a patchwork of all those experiences. Mine has.



Hello Peeps.
This is my Why.

Part journal, part treasure map, part petri dish of thoughts about the future – this website is the synthesis of years of informal (and informed) study of the human condition… coupled with an unyielding need to explore every old tree trunk, breathe in as many back alley spice markets as I can find, admire the monarchs in every protected estuary along the coast, and climb the hillsides on gas-powered mules those few precious days the poppies raise their gorgeous orange faces to the sun. I'll do it all - every single mile - while my hands can still manage the camera.

The more time passes, the more I understand Thoreau's beloved Walden and his need to "live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." With Bella and an increasingly more amazing collection of people in my life... my physical footprint has been smaller these past few pandemic-impacted years, but my "heart-print" has never experienced more reach.  To those who are with me, you are everything to me.  To those who will join our treasure hunt, I promise we're going to see the world... and see it differently, #together.



So many amazing people come into my life and teach me unexpected things. They make my life fuller and more interesting in more ways than I imagined. These connections are what drive me - they’re my secret sauce, my signature strength. Every success in my life is, quite simply, based on my love of people and bringing people together to do wonderful things.

This summer I joined the Board of a publishing company that enables people to publish their personal stories online (here’s mine if you’re curious: Tonya's Cues & Views). Working with this commitment, I’m even more convinced of the importance of sharing our journey to connect with others. I see firsthand the difference connections make when people recognize how much we are alike… not different. With that as my goal, I look forward to sharing my journey and story - sharing my connections and creating new ones on the way. Exploring2Connect. Join me.



Hard Rock Bengalaru

Friday – 18-June, 11pm The guys from the office took me to the Hard Rock Cafe tonight… The menu was probably 80% the same as the Hard Rock franchises in the States – and all but one of us ordered…


Cash and Bling are both KING.

Friday – 18-June, 10pm So this afternoon I had to get away… After all, I had been in town more than 48hrs and not even been near Commercial Street. I hitched an auto-rickshaw. It’s not my first solo ride (that…


They Pack My Lunch.

Friday – 18-June, 10am I have mentioned before that the staff at this hotel have somewhat adopted me – joining in on my firsts and patiently oooh-ing and aaaah-ing at every pashmina and one-gram bangle I purchase. Well on this…


Settling In.

Wednesday – 16-June, 2pmSqueals and gulab jamons. My first day in the office was a real treat, as always. The day was busy with a revolving door of people stopping by… wedding invites were delivered (from my staff, NOT the…


Feels Like Home.

Wednesday – 16-June, 8am I don’t know quite how to articulate this, but I love being some place SOOOOO different than home… and yet it being so much like home that I fall right back into old comfortable routines. Deepak…


Lamb or Lion?

Tuesday – 15-June, 11pm What’s the old saying about “coming in like a lamb or a lion”? Well, honey… my Mama didn’t raise no lamb! 🙂 I arrived home-home tonight at the LaLit Ashok. I swear it looked and sounded…


Back in the Trenches.

Tuesday – 15-June, 2pm No, literally! I arrived last night. Little flight connection delay/drama… followed by a sixteen hour flight and then an excruciating wait at baggage claim. Yes, my luggage arrived. I think the ground crew was holding it…


Tuesday 20-April (9pm): Handlers

(This one is for Mom & Dad.)People often ask if I feel safe travelling alone outside the States, and I often respond that I’d have to try REALLY hard to get into trouble because I have so many handlers watching…


Sunday 18-April (5pm): I do it myself!

It’s no surprise to any of you that my first complete sentence was “I do it myself”… However, in Bangalore that has been difficult to put into practice. I have an extensive set of well-intended ‘handlers’ here and every move…
