“ChIndia,” you say? Well, yes. I’m headed to China and then India for the next three weeks.

My trek to China begins early Monday morning, flying through Chicago and on to Shanghai before reaching my destination in Dalian. There’ll be no dilly-dallying in Dalian – I’m only on the ground for three PACKED days of work. This will be my third visit in the People’s Republic this year – and likely my last visit for a bit. My work here will be done with this trip, as we will have successfully opened a new branch of our company’s business with 14 vibrant happy “launch team” staff to take care of our growing customer base in the region. From China I’ll head over to India (lovely 16hr flight it is) to spend time with my work friends in Bangalore for the following two weeks.

This blog is likely to be a little different. I don’t know – we’ll have to see… I don’t write about the specifics of work (and for goodness sake, who would want to read about that?!), but usually I am able to make time to go see some pretty interesting things either before, after, or during weekends in the middle. This time, it just wasn’t possible to work in extra days – and I’ll be travelling one of the two weekends. So who knows what I’ll find to write about? I guess that’s part of the adventure! Perhaps you can live without seeing pix of the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the bullet trains of Tokyo, and Hindu temples with more gold than Fort Knox? We shall see. I take this as a challenge – a test – of my creativity and writing skills. (But I’m a geek like that – all of you know it!)

So from here I’ll likely “pick up the pen” middle of next week. For the reasons I listed above, it’s likely I won’t write as often. But, as always, I invite you to join me on the journey and hear the stories that help my family sleep well at night knowing I’m alive, well, and happy to be experiencing new things.
