The three sweetest words in the Traveller’s Language:
- All
- Luggage
- Arrived
Life is good as I sit here beside the pool enjoying breakfast. This is no ordinary weekend – it’s the weekend before Divali, the Festival of Lights (equivalent to Christmas in the US). Visiting families have changed the once-quiet pool into a puddle of giggles and squeals. I had an epiphany sitting here eating breakfast – drinking my watermelon juice (they don’t have that at Fresh Market!) and my South Indian coffee… I like the food here so much because (with a touch more spice variety), it’s very much like southern food in America: fried and heavy on the potatoes. Of course I love it! Just took me a return trip to figure it out.
So backing up a couple of days… everything in China went great (after my remodeling meltdown). The Grand Opening ceremony was beautifully delivered by our Marketing teams and the Support Center looked fantastic for its official
debut. I couldn’t adore the team more – what a cute bunch they are! All of them are very different – and each of them are just lovely, sweet people. They’re going to be fantastic!
We had a wonderful celebration dinner at “the most famous” restaurant in Dalian. Now don’t dismiss that… Dalian is a large cosmopolitan city with 3 million residents in the city limits and another 3 million in the outlying areas. Everywhere I turned I was greeted with shop storefronts I see in San Francisco, LA, and other world-class cities. So – back to the dining… 🙂 WanBao Seafood. 5 stories tall and looks like Vegas – inside and out! We had a table for 28, and I didn’t know whatttt to expect. So turns out this is a huge (“gi-normous”) round table – maybe 7 meters (21’) in diameter – with a huge mound of flowers in the middle of the table with a big chandelier, and then… reachable from the diners’ seats… an inside ring that rotated so that dishes placed on the ring were in constant rotation around the guests’ seating. Pretty nifty. I’m thinking about converting at home!
Tracy (my godsend for the week – what a trooper! there’s nothing she couldn’t coordinate!) and I, accompanied by a couple of ‘curious georges’ from our group, toured through the “market” on the first floor to choose the meal. Here was another learning experience in China… I entertain. I cook Southern (nice, fancy Southern – but still, typically, for Southern appetites and behaviors). I know that everybody wants to try everything and have learned over the years that if you prepare 20 dishes, people will want to try all 20. You wind up cooking a WHOLE LOT MORE – and a whole lot more goes to waste. I’ve learned it’s more effective to prepare larger quantities of really neat dishes than to spread it thin and dilute things with a bunch of normal to boring dishes. So that was my mindset – pick 7-8 dishes and get 4-5 “batches” of each. Tracy knew better. She and I kept having this tug-of-war, because I’d point at something and order four, and she’d want to adjust it to two… Competing philosophies… Well, when we got upstairs (I hadn’t seen our room and the gi-normous rotating tabletop yet), then I understood why. Tapas (‘small bites’) have become very popular in America recently. Although these dishes were prepared family style, everyone got just a bite or two onto their plates as a dish circled by. We could’ve had 4 dishes or 40 – and everyone still would have tried a bite or two of each and been done. As it was, it was perfect (thanks to Tracy). Variety IS the spice of life… And I have another cultural lesson under my proverbial belt for the next time I (try to) entertain in China.
So – on a personal note (if you’re reading this, you must be F&F – friends & family – so you get the whole deal…): I now have a new trend – but it’s a story to share, so here goes. On my last trip to China I had my first flare up of gout. OMG. My Mom has had gout over the years, so has my brother… so why was I surprised when it hit me? 🙂 In July, I hobbled all over the place on my visit to China and wore Crocs sandals the entire time. This time, it hit the last day (of course, the biggggg day….). So for those of you who don’t know what gout is – they call it a “rich man’s disease”… caused by rich foods, rich wine, etc. (ME?!?! ha.) It’s a chemical thing and something crystallizes in your joints – usually it settles in on a particular joint/joints, mine happens to be my left inside ankle. So these crystallized “things” in your joints cause sharp jabbing pains – horrible pain, intense swelling, etc. Cures are varied (as are intensity levels of “flare-ups”), but the worst is cured by medicine that breaks up the crystals and enables them to disperse through and be absorbed by the body (until the next flare-up).
So – Friday mid-day I realize what’s happening when my left ankle is double the size of my right ankle. Friday night I take the first round of meds (thank you, Mama). Saturday I fly. I had a longgggg layover in Hong Kong on my way to Bangalore and spent my time shopping in the airport, etc. On the way to my gate, there was a “Chinese Herbal Healing” massage shop. What the heck, I’ll try anything at this point. OMG*4. Having had pedicures for years and years, my feet aren’t terribly sensitive (comparatively, my Mom is a relative newcomer to the pedicure scene and it’s hysterical to watch her jump around when someone’s trying to work on her feet… sorry, Mama 🙂 ). So this woman @ the Hong Kong airport had me in tears. I yelped, I “ouched,” I gritted my teeth and squirmed. She was actually rubbing those crystals (harrrrrrd!) out of my ankle. She worked it and worked it – I swear, I thought she was gonna break them through the skin! It was amazing…. I could feel them (painfully) being pushed out of my ankle tissue and then she was running them up my leg (where there’s plenty of room for them to get lost – ha!). Just amazing. This morning, the swelling is significantly reduced and I think the pain is pretty much gone. I’m sure the meds got it started – but wow, was I impressed by that painful Chinese Foot Massage and a woman who spoke almost no English but saw my swollen ankle, knew what was wrong, and went straight to work.
Flights went fine, again. Lucky fortunate me. I arrived at the hotel around 3:30am and now am sitting by the pool enjoying breakfast, a breeze, and a lovely waiter who – true to my past stories – warms up when he realizes I’m interested in the food of his culture. By the time breakfast ended, two Indian hosts had adopted me and I have two other breakfast dishes I have to try (both typed into my Blackberry since my adopted hosts are on “Christmas vacation” tomorrow). Life is good.
Hello! Great to catch up with you & your adventures via your blog… I am sooo glad you found that lady to massage those crystals away! Hopefully those strong little hands scared 'em silly and they won't ever return :o)
Oops! Forgot to mention. The suit + scarf were PERFECT!
Congratulations on wrapping up the Grand Opening, in style!