An auto-rickshaw, to be more specific. I love these! It’s a small, efficient, open-air cab… and it’s cheap. I took a quick trip to the “stitching place” today and it cost me the equivalent of about thirty cents US. I’m thinking about checking eBay to see if I can have one for a “fun car” at home. You know the folks who have their own golf cart and they tool around the neighborhood in it? Well, imagine me in one of these?! (And on nice days, I could even drive it to the office if this two-stroke engine is street legal in Nashville!)So – the experience of having a skirt made (delayed by Festival) was another adventure on this journey. I have been referred to an excellent tailor – a woman who runs her shop from the fourth floor of a colony here in Bangalore. I’m pretty excited about this experience – just hope I don’t get spoiled on it. Although I’m just getting a skirt (two actually), this business does exquisite hand work in beading and embroidery. They were kind enough to let me snap the picture below…