Tuesday mid-day — April 24, 2012 

Every work day should begin with an adventure!  I found an opening in my schedule and dashed to Commercial Street this morning to enjoy a couple of hours of “guerilla shopping”…  With list in hand, I was a diva on a mission!

First to Raja Bangle for a year’s worth of one-gram bangles… followed by a quick treat of Cashew Birthday (it’s a candy, I believe the real spelling is casu burfi)…  I found some cool shoes and some nice tops…  Shopping makes me so happy — particularly shopping in faraway locales…  I really need to find a way to make a living doing this!

Now before anybody gets any silly ideas that I just come over here to play and shop for a week…  many of the teams in Bangalore align their work day (or at least a portion of it) to US hours, so mornings start a bit late and we work well into the evening hours.  My “early lunch break” fueled the afternoon’s activities until I left the office around 8:00 tonight.