Went to dinner with my leadership team tonight. We had the best time. I just love these guys! Great food, great company; only problem is (class tech support behavior) – they stayed on their Blackberries the whole time! 🙂 And they took calls from customers though it was 9pm on Friday night! I love them for it… but wish they wouldn’t always be “on call” as is required to keep our customers happy.

The food was fabulous but the moment of the evening was the “Mangalore Mints” – their version of an after-dinner mint is some god-awful concoction wrapped in a leaf. Of course, ‘The American’ did not know it was god-awful until my team encouraged me to partake. I really do like all the food I’ve tried in India… but this was a first. I felt like a cow chewing on grass – grass mixed with something medicinal and just plain awful. And from the laughs of my team, the look on my face reflected my complete disgust. 🙂

I have been asked to put names to faces and will happily do that… Bottom snap (L to R): Sareen Salam (whom I often refer to as our “Mother Hen”), Sharath Babu (our newest addition a couple of years back that, as “Mr. Jolly”, always gives me a run for my money on the happiness quotient), yours truly, Michelle Quinn (aka ‘Retail Diva’), Ankur Mahajan (I still don’t know how he survived the Dalian Grand Opening alongside me), and Raghavendra Pai (fellow foodie and fantastic photographer – his snaps rival mine any day!).