Infectious Expectations

• Infectious Expectations •

When the world stopped

but we didn't

◦ words ◦ connection ◦ hope ◦ perseverence ◦ strength ◦ words ◦ connection ◦ hope ◦ perseverence ◦ strength ◦ words ◦ connection ◦ hope ◦ perseverence ◦ strength


for light

Early Spring 2020.  The world as we knew it stopped for six weeks.

Sequestered in my 18th-floor condo above the city of San Jose, I did the only thing a raging extrovert could… I connected to my people by writing. I started a virtual newsletter to send happy thoughts and opportunities for personal development. It fast turned into my personal musings on where “we” were in our collective aloneness and our deep desire to return to normalcy, whatever that would become. I shared the beautiful moments that were happening all around us – John Krasinski taking kids to prom, a farmer sending KN95 masks to Gov. Cuomo, and Andrea Bocelli singing for the empty streets of the world from the front steps of Florence’s Duomo. 

It was cathartic to write… and I heard from many how the messages provided hope and connection, some even re-read them during particularly difficult days. One university professor incorporated the writings into a course on Pandemic Literature and now I’m publishing them as a record for myself and those who enjoyed them, so that we’ll always remember there was light to be found during those days of uncertainty. There always will be.



Volume XVI-Avril-XXMM “It’s not that the ground underneath me was suddenly shifting; it’s that it is never still.”  — Alicia Keys The conversations I’m in are consistent…  the uncertainty of the future is what has us all the most uncomfortable.  Yet when

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Rainbows Forming over NYC

Volume XIV-Avril-XXMM Mother Nature is sending NYC some ❤️ Yesterday, Easter Monday, a rainbow formed over New York City.  From BBC News to LinkedIn, social media eagerly celebrated the symbol of hope that better times might be on the way…

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Baseball & Bocelli

Volume XIII-Avril-XXMM Baseball is Back: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 3 He’s done it again…  It’s all good, but the “big story” starts at 10:10… don’t know how he pulls these things together, but I lovvvvve it! Andrea Bocelli –

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Perspective Shift

Volume X-Avril-XXMM Happy Easter  ~  Happy Passover  ~  Happy Spring art credit:  Jenny @ Glitter & Grey Perspective Shift.  My good friend and Orangetheory coach, Vic, responded to the last message about the importance of Words with something I wanted to share.  She

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Words Matter

Volume VIII-Avril-XXMM Words Matter.  I ran an errand early this morning (and yes, I scored some toilet paper!) and as I returned home I encountered a stark reminder of how important our words are in influencing what’s around us, how

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Uncertain Times … thoughts by Tony Robbins

Volume VII-Avril-MMXX I’m putting away the quill for a day.  The content below came through a week or so ago from the incomparable Tony Robbins.  There are a few talented people in this group who are formally tied to his

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Motivators Assessment

Volume VI-Avril-MMXX SGN: Some Good News with John Krasinski, Ep2 (YouTube, 17min) Okay, you have to promise me that no matter what you’ll at least go to 8:25 and watch from there.  I can absolutely fully commit to you that

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SGN with John Krasinski

Volume II-Avril-MMXX SGN: Some Good News with John Krasinski (Facebook, 16min) And though it may be super risky to do this… these are my favorite moments in his Good News reel → 2:35, 3:30, 4:35, 11:20 It’s simple, right?  “They” have

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Infectious Expectations

Volume I-Avril-MMXX I was sharing with someone in my innermost circle how difficult it is growing for me while in quarantine retreating for wellness…  People who thrive on PEOPLE don’t do so well when that life-fuel is removed from our daily routines,

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