Infectious Expectations

• Infectious Expectations •

When the world stopped

but we didn't

◦ words ◦ connection ◦ hope ◦ perseverence ◦ strength ◦ words ◦ connection ◦ hope ◦ perseverence ◦ strength ◦ words ◦ connection ◦ hope ◦ perseverence ◦ strength


for light

Early Spring 2020.  The world as we knew it stopped for six weeks.

Sequestered in my 18th-floor condo above the city of San Jose, I did the only thing a raging extrovert could… I connected to my people by writing. I started a virtual newsletter to send happy thoughts and opportunities for personal development. It fast turned into my personal musings on where “we” were in our collective aloneness and our deep desire to return to normalcy, whatever that would become. I shared the beautiful moments that were happening all around us – John Krasinski taking kids to prom, a farmer sending KN95 masks to Gov. Cuomo, and Andrea Bocelli singing for the empty streets of the world from the front steps of Florence’s Duomo. 

It was cathartic to write… and I heard from many how the messages provided hope and connection, some even re-read them during particularly difficult days. One university professor incorporated the writings into a course on Pandemic Literature and now I’m publishing them as a record for myself and those who enjoyed them, so that we’ll always remember there was light to be found during those days of uncertainty. There always will be.


Holstee Manifesto + Lionheart

Volume VI-Mai-XXMM After yesterday’s note, a former colleague and now lifelong friend sent me a link to the image below. I didn’t ask her, but I thought it would be appropriate to share. [She’s a little busy with a brand

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Get Focused on the Next Right Thing

Volume IV-Mai-XXMM Below was the most important thing I read today, and that truly is saying a lot…  Most of you recognize the format as LinkedIn, but I believe the sentiment applies to family, business, or even solo self-management conundrums

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Borrowed Treasure

Volume XXX-Avril-XXMM When we set out to do this, the intention was simply to share some positive constructive thoughts on regular basis at a time when most of us seemed to be struggling with the “new normal” the world was

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Gentler Times: Krasinski and Kermit

Volume XXVIII-Avril-XXMM SGN Potluck: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 5 John Krasinski just keeps pulling together these 15min video montages of complete happiness.  Want to get “fed”?  (watch the video – it’s a theme…)  Enjoy! Simplicity.  Nostalgia.  Sometimes memories

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John Krasinski for Prom King

Volume XVII-Avril-XXMM John Krasinski for Prom King!  This guy realllly is just sooooo awesome.  Click the image for more details – but it’s tonight (Friday) at 5pm PT on his YouTube channel (SGN: Some Good News) if your kids want to go.  (Or if

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A Farmer’s Sacrifice

Volume XXIV-Avril-XXMM Perhaps I’m biased I am biased, but I’m not at all surprised this was from a farmer.  I was simultaneously touched and humbled when I saw this earlier today.  The letter below is from a retired farmer in

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Yes, and… Broken Crayons Still Color

Volume XXII-Avril-XXMM I got a late start today, so this will be super short.  We hope.   I saw the post on the left on LinkedIn tonight and remembered the meme (on the right) making the rounds on Facebook for the

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(Temporary) Decline

Volume XXI-Avril-XXMM WARNING – today’s note comes with a “reality downside” heads-up…  Not every day is sunshine and lollipops, right?  If you’re looking for that (if you “need” that LIFT today), just skip over my text and go straight to

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Prom! … plus MM La Fleur’s To-Do List

Volume XX-Avril-XXMM Prom 2020: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 4 As if throwing a global virtual prom with bonafide rock stars wasn’t enough…  he also broadcast from space in this episode.  Yeah, like outer space.  Cool, huh? The list below

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