Volume I-Avril-MMXX

I was sharing with someone in my innermost circle how difficult it is growing for me while in quarantine retreating for wellness…  People who thrive on PEOPLE don’t do so well when that life-fuel is removed from our daily routines, and I was quickly reaching DEFCON 1.  Many of us right now are heavily tuned to the latest stats and news conferences.  We’re worried about what’s happening with our companies/customers and our retirement accounts and whether our kids are watching YouTube instead of actually doing their online school assignments.  This is hard, really hard…  and even the most resilient among us are getting mired down in seemingly never-ending “todays”.  Or hey… maybe it’s just me?!

So after I wiped away a few woe-is-me tears and pulled up my big-girl britches, I knew I needed to look for a way to reach out and connect with my peeps in the absence of all the channels that have temporarily been diverted.  It won’t surprise most of you that my Inbox is a virtual playground of some of the best motivational and personal development oriented content currently making the rounds, so I thought it might bring a smile if I sent you something positive and forward thinking on a regular basis.  As much as we all need to be thinking defensively about how to protect our families and our businesses, now is also the time when I believe we have an opportunity to be introspective about what’s changing for the world and how our strengths are aligned to be ready to board that rocketship as soon as it takes off in the next few months.

“Infectious Expectations” is intended to be a weekday helping of inspiration, kindness, and thought provoking content about our future – all curated from things that have hit my radar that resonated with me and that I think might speak to some of you.  If you’d like one of your/our people added to the distribution, just send me a note and I’ll be happy to add them in.  Some days this might be a thought provoking piece on “am I living my passion?” (hint – tomorrow)…  other days it might just be a funny meme about thriving in quiet times…  and sometimes it might be something a little more work-y (you all know how “work-y” I am ☺️)…  Thanks for supporting my need to have a good excuse to think about you every day and create a platform to reach out to you…  And as always, if you have ideas for content you want to share… send it on over!  

Sending love and gratitude to each of you as we figure out our new normal and reach for fresh ways to stay connected… 💕

First contribution →  This Harvard Business Review article made the rounds last week and was especially poignant in helping me identify what I was feeling as “grief”.  In the article, HBR consults with David Kessler who co-wrote the book that is the authority on the five stages of grief.  And just yesterday, Brené Brown released a podcast with David Kessler about his new book outlining a new sixth stage of grief: Finding Meaning.  My heart runneth over.