After all the lost luggage in far away lands, I know better than to do this. I will surely jinx things and have no one to blame but myself. But… I have amazing travel karma today. Maybe it’s the fact that I don’t have a 6am flight and the extra moments to read the Saturday paper and eat a proper breakfast make me feel that the vacation has already begun? (The ‘happy’ actually started last night after yoga, with my yogi pals and some yummy Pinkberry!)
I’m sure it has something to do with the amazing welcome I have already received to Turkey… You see, Turks are legendary for their hospitality and friendliness (you just have to watch those cab drivers… they like to switch Euro for Lira and nearly triple your fare). My friend Carla has a client who lives here in Middle Tennessee who is from Turkey, so she connected me to this couple for recommendations. In true Turkish form, the precious lady called her brother who is still in Istanbul (“on the European side”) and I now have his work and cell phone numbers, instructions to call him when I arrive, and a recommendation for a carpet salesman in the Grand Bazaar who I am supposed to provide the brother’s name “so that things go well”… I’m always humbled when people who have nothing to gain go to such great lengths to help you out. Those ‘travel angels’ always seem to find their way to me… How very blessed I am. (Now, all fingers crossed on getting that luggage at Istanbul Ataturk!)
So, I’m all set. This is going to be a lotttttt of fun. And nothin’ is going to jinx my amazing travel karma!
Late-breaking news — the karma continues… window seats all the way to IST! Waaa-hoooo.