Volume I-Juin-XXMM
Can it really already be June? And have we really been managing these world/life/soul changes for >100 days now? Pretty amazing… even for a bunch of absolute rock stars. I dare say we’ll all look back in 10 years and have some pretty strong impressions of the things that happened, the choices we made, our accomplishments, and yes – the things that just plain happened during this phase of life.
I was away, playing in the country for a bit this weekend, while the world was enduring another unfortunate heartbreaking historical moment. I’ve thought and thought today about what to write about it, and frankly I just can’t. Nothing I could say would help or do it justice… or add anything of value to what has already been said. People are hurting… and hurt people, hurt people. This nation has some healing to do. All of us have some learning, healing, sharing, and growing to do. People far more gifted and inspiring than me are starting to assemble to take us to a better place. Looking for something constructive to get involved with? Former POTUS Barack Obama posted a statement on Facebook that is balanced, not political, and provides a call to action for all of us to get involved in moving forward. He closes his post with “Let’s get to work” – gotta love that!
In the meantime, I’m at a loss to offer anything new on the burning topics of today. Helicopters are circling overhead as San Jose’s curfew is about to start (seriously – the chopper is in view about 250’ outside my window). I’ve combed through a few sites and found a few sources of inspiration that offered me something… I’m sharing a few with you in hopes that some of them give hope, inspiration, joy, reflection, love, courage… Whatever it is you’re looking for today, maybe you’ll find a bit of it in one of the messages below. I saved the best (and most timely) for last… be sure not to miss it.
Love, and peace, to all of you… Be safe out there.
What drew me in on June 1, 2020…
And last, but never ever least: Love one another, always.