Volume IV-Mai-XXMM

Below was the most important thing I read today, and that truly is saying a lot…  Most of you recognize the format as LinkedIn, but I believe the sentiment applies to family, business, or even solo self-management conundrums (hand in air, peeps!  hand in air…).  Take a minute and look at Cy’s full post below through a broader lens than just business leadership and teams…  

“The best way … is to get focused on the next right thing.  The next right thing that can add value.”

Now how unbelievably beautiful is that?!  I don’t care if you’re baking 46,000 chocolate chip cookies to give away to charities (he’s on this distro, true story) or managing the entire public transit system of Silicon Valley or just trying to figure out what your picky eater will consume for dinner…  We all can help ourselves by focusing our energy on the here and now…  and putting some effort into staying in the present to find the next thing that can add value.  I’ve been guilty of looking way too far into the future (all the way to July and August, people!  What have I been thinking?!)  Staying in the present and managing my energy to focus on what I know I can get done during this huge time of uncertainty should be hugely beneficial.  Let me know if it worked for you…