
• exploring2connect •

Creating connection

Through Shared Experiences

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Connection is why we’re here.  It is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.

~ Brené Brown


We will not be Silent about Hard Things

When the country is in crisis… we will not hide behind closed office doors and dark Zoom screens. Our teams need us now more than ever. It’s natural to feel the shock of these world events, but we need to

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We all feel it. Not enough of us talk about it… Yet, there I was on a stage with many dear professional friends in the audience making a run at discussing the very real notion that we all struggle with

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Busy ≠ Productive

Thoughtful and Intentional. That’s the path to produce, not just create the illusion of activity.

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Bella’s Cards at Tonya’s Happy Place

The Ranch at San Ardo 43 Ranch, owned by friends Cindy & Greg Traynor. I first visited this 8,000-acre ranch with Bella in March 2021 as a guest of their Harvest Host property. Eight months later, I brought 15 Airstream

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Condi & Madeleine

A true lifetime highlight… The world is not the same with RBG and Secretary Albright no longer here. They left a legacy – and a blueprint for forward momentum. We have plenty to keep us busy.

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Everyone is in this Together

Anxiety is crushing… it is also highly contagious. So is enthusiasm and opportunity. Many chose the latter through the pandemic, despite terrible circumstances and insurmountable uncertainty. As the next wave comes through, for those of us who can choose enthusiasm

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