Sunday – June 20, 2pm

While eating breakfast this morning, Balu stopped by to visit and told me about an art and handicraft exhibition just a five-minute walk from the hotel. Oh, what fun! I just returned from a two-hour shopping spree. The hotel lobby staff told me on my return that I had now officially exceeded the luggage limit for my return to the States. Clothes, shoes, baskets, paintings and drawings, rugs… I had planned to go to Commercial Street this afternoon, but now I’m not sure I’ll bother… At least if I do, I won’t have the “Urge to Splurge”! Maybe I’ll just go for gulab jamons… oh, and some black leggings to go under my new kirti… and maybe some silver earrings… 🙂

On my walk to the Exhibition, this sign was along the route and I just thought it was funny… It’s the Karnataka Hospitality Organization… but ‘Walking by Public is Prohibited’… Now what kind of hospitality is that? 🙂