Volume XXX-Avril-XXMM

When we set out to do this, the intention was simply to share some positive constructive thoughts on regular basis at a time when most of us seemed to be struggling with the “new normal” the world was shifting into and the daily news feeds were dragging us all into a Covid-comas.  Well the world definitely continues to shift, but we all seem to be finding our rhythms… and though most of us are (appropriately) impatient and ready to reconnect with friends, family, loved ones, co-workers, neighbors, gym-family, church-family, etc. – we really have done an exceptional job of making it through this amazingly unique time.  I think most of us have learned a lot – and I think we have found ourselves to be far more resilient (and perhaps far less patient 😊) than we realized.

In the spirit of sharing good thoughts, I took a creative approach (?) and decided to pluck the first three things out of my LinkedIn feed that “spoke to me”…  I hope these borrowed treasures offer you some inspiration, lift, and joy.  They were each great reminders for me about what’s important.  We all know this isn’t over… there’s still work to be done.  And we’re up for it.  So get inspired, Peeps!  ❤️ to each of you…