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◦ Tonya-2... The Series ◦ Infectious Expectations ◦ Exploring2Connect ◦ Tonya-2... The Series ◦ Infectious Expectations ◦ Exploring2Connect ◦

Words have always


I’ve been writing since 2007 — sharing my experiences, what’s on my mind and in my heart.  It started with a simple Blogger account during my first trip to India.  I knew my Mom and Dad would worry, so I shared little stories about my day.  It was a big adventure and writing was a way to share something they would never get to do.  Turns out a lot of friends and relatives read those stories, and they got a much better sense of what life is like on the other side of the world.  My work now had a new benefit – I could connect others to a view of something they’d never experience — embarrassing a tailor on Commercial Street, buying gold on an auspicious holiday, going home with an employee and making dosas.  It gave work a higher purpose.  I named the blog the “Tonya2” Series…  Tonya2… India… Tonya2… China.  I wasn’t thinking very far ahead because I primarily visited 3-4 countries…  Not to be deterred, I kept writing…  it turned out to be a lot of fun.

Over a decade later, the pandemic came and took all our voices.  It took away our ability to touch.  It stole our connection.  We absolutely lost our way for a few moments.  I couldn’t bear it, so I started writing.  My original intent for “Infectious Expectations” was to repurpose a lot of the motivational pieces already coming through to my Inbox.  Instead I wound up pontificating on the things happening around us.  I’d grab a headline and share it with some of my thoughts.  Random things like Bocelli singing from the steps of the Duomo with images of empty streets in some of the largest cities of the world… or a post from Glennon Doyle with a rock painted with the words “we can do hard thigs”… or the farmer who sent one of his last KN-95 masks to the Governor of New York.  There were so many things to inspire more words, more thoughts, more acknowledgement of our humanity.  I may have been trapped on the 18th floor of my high rise with only Buzz the SJ Police helicopter outside my window for company… but I could reach to others, I could still connect.  100 of my nearest and dearest received the messages.  One even highlighted it in her university Literature course on historical pandemic literature.  Words have always been important.

And now, it’s a new chapter.  I spent the last two years growing in new directions.  Many still can’t believe I bought an Airstream as my answer to the confinement of the pandemic.  Like many things, I thought Bella was for something else entirely… but she has opened up a new world for me.  I’ve met a whole new community that has become my extended family. I’ve gone back to my roots in terms of enjoying nature and exploring the outdoors.  I’m freer than I’ve ever been.  And more connected.  And more committed to experiencing life, sharing with others, and bringing people together.  My purpose is coming into focus.  This journey has all been with purpose, and now it’s time to start capturing those moments.  As I keep exploring this world, I’ll be Exploring2Connect.  I’d be grateful if you’d join me on the journey.  Words will always be important.

With love and the deepest of gratitude,
