The Ranch at San Ardo

43 Ranch, owned by friends Cindy & Greg Traynor. I first visited this 8,000-acre ranch with Bella in March 2021 as a guest of their Harvest Host property. Eight months later, I brought 15 Airstream trailers here in November for a rally hosted by Cindy and me… Friendsgiving 2021. The following spring, Cindy called and said “The poppies are blooming – two weeks, tops…” We spent hours riding over the hills on a gasoline-powered mule; it was Heaven. San Ardo is my happy place, my adopted farm, the place that takes me “home.”

A few weeks later, at the Spring NorCal Rally in Olema, Diane Gilcrest stopped by while I was cleaning up breakfast dishes and handed me a small wrapped box. Inside was a box of cards with this image, a watercolor she had painted of my trip to the ranch a few weeks before. She researched Bella’s model and year to paint the correct Airstream details into one of the photos. Truly a special gift… Airstream family is proving to be a very special and incredibly important part of my life. #mycuprunnethover