Volume XXIV-Avril-XXMM

Perhaps I’m biased I am biased, but I’m not at all surprised this was from a farmer.  I was simultaneously touched and humbled when I saw this earlier today.  The letter below is from a retired farmer in Kansas, written to Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York.  He sent the letter to Governor Cuomo with an N95 mask (1 of 5 he had from his farming supplies) and asked Governor Cuomo to pass it on to one of New York’s nurses or doctors.

The letter writer is in his 70s and his handwriting looks so similar to my Dad’s.  He spoke of his wife and how he is “afraid for her” after describing her health issues.  He commended the governor and closed by encouraging him to keep on leading. 

He gave what he had – which was so much more than that mask.   

Bless the farmers and everyone who sees beyond themselves…  no doubt, the letter writer inspired a man who deserved support and encouragement.  His humanity and selflessness is a beacon of hope and a reminder of the capacity for generosity that exists in all of us.  May we be inspired to act similarly…  💕