Wednesday – 16-June, 8am

I don’t know quite how to articulate this, but I love being some place SOOOOO different than home… and yet it being so much like home that I fall right back into old comfortable routines.

Deepak wasn’t here for breakfast, but he had called ahead to one of his colleagues and my table on the patio was reserved and they knew I wanted a strong cup of South Indian coffee. ‘Swim Guy’ was out doing his laps in the pool, wearing his ever-present silver swimming cap. (Why do bald guys wear swimming caps?) The slight smell of charred wood hung in the air – a reminder of where I am, as this familiar smell indicates they’ve smoked the area this morning to ward off mosquitoes. It’s windy here today; they say monsoon season starts in another couple of weeks and as I look at my sandals I sure hope it’s not coming early.

It all feels so familiar. I know I’m waxing a little poetic this morning, but I’m reminiscent. In my last two and a half years of coming here, I have grown to love this ongoing experience. It richens my life and broadens my perspective every single time. The cost of getting here takes a toll on my life on many fronts, but once I’m here I know it’s worth the price.

Now off to work; it’s 8:45 and I’m sure Murgon has my car waiting. Hopefully last night’s Mardi Gras parade got some of the mojo out of my system and I can settle in today and get some things done.