Friday – 18-June, 11pm
The guys from the office took me to the Hard Rock Cafe tonight… The menu was probably 80% the same as the Hard Rock franchises in the States – and all but one of us ordered beef (and it was good!). We had a good fun time – I bought a willllld Hard Rock t-shirt (wearing it in the snaps below, under my new/cool leather jacket)… and of course bought the classic standard Hard Rock t-shirt as well. I just adore these guys… We played games trying to see who could go the longest without looking at their Blackberry – everyone lost. I told them we needed to do team building at my hotel the next morning – 8:30 yoga. But for some reason, they all seemed to have other more important plans. Poooooh.
After dinner we strolled down MG Road – just me and my posse. The intersection of MG and Brigade Roads represents a huge shopping zone in Bangalore. And my guys steered me away from EVERY store… 🙂 All in all, it was great fun. I’m so very lucky to be here and spend time with the team.