I never plan to leave Tennessee — at least not as my “permanent” home… but if ever there was a place (another place) where I feel the excitement of going to see family — it’s Bangalore. Someone asked me recently “why?” Why Bangalore? What is it that is so special? I can’t quite put my finger on it — the people, the culture, the (fairly radical) differences in living. And I love it all.

I know that one day my time here with these teams will come to an end. Just thinking about it brings tears. I’ve only been visiting here for three years – but it has become such a part of my identity. It’s hobby, vice, and work – all wrapped together. I am thankful for every minute I’ve spent here – all the people I’ve come to know, the generosities they have extended. My guys joke that I have dual citizenship. It’s no joke to me – it’s an honor that they have embraced me and welcomed me to their world.

The plane is boarding here in Chicago… Gotta JET!