Monday morning – Nov 15, 5am

I was exhausted last night, but woke up at least once an hour after about 1am. I gave up and headed down to the lobby around 5am. I knew the British Airways flight would arrive around 4:30am… and they’d know whether my luggage was here by 5:30. I made a cup of coffee and toddled down to the lobby my in pajamas (yoga clothes) to start the pestering process. They love me, they really do… but they didn’t want me hanging out in the lobby asking about my luggage. I know that NONE of them wanted to be the ones to tell me it didn’t arrive. The process took a while… call, wait… call, wait-wait-wait…. call, wait. They’re teaching me patience.

Of course, I had to get into some mischief… so when my coffee cup was empty, I strolled over to the 24/7 Café where I eat breakfast each morning. Though the restaurant was open, it was empty with not a person in sight. So I made my own cappuccino (at a machine that looks like something straight out of NASA). About the time I finished my caffeine-creation, Deepak came through and promptly scolded me for not coming to find him so he could get my coffee for me. They might as well put me on the payroll… but I admit I do love being able to wander into an empty restaurant and make myself right at home.

Oh, the luggage… by 6:30, they were promising they had laid eyes on the luggage and that it would arrive by 8:15. Since then, I’ve written letters to customs authorizing release of the luggage, turned over my passport to verify/validate my signature, and now just received “an urgent outside call” at my breakfast table. It was the luggage coordinator letting me know all the troubles he has had securing the luggage, etc., but he promises he’s half an hour away with my bags. I’m hopeful – at least a live body is telling me they’re here. Nothing is ever easy, it seems. But the people are a joy… and I do believe my luggage is coming.


And it ARRIVED… (If you could only see the play-by-play from here at my breakfast table – I have left and returned about half a dozen times while writing this single post as we worked on the details of getting my luggage returned.) They sent for me (again) and Balu was outside paying the transport company… What a sweetheart he is – paying the fee from his own pockets, knowing I’d pay him back. I even bummed 200 Rs off of him to tip the guy who coordinated delivery from the airport. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by folks who know and trust me – and who would walk through fire for me. And I have my luggage  — the week is certainly looking better and better.

Heaven help my staff today. I am now totally jacked-up on caffeine (I won’t even tell you how many cups of coffee I’ve had since 5am). I have a killer coffee buzz; my luggage is here; the weather is gorgeous… It’s going to be an awesome day!