
• exploring2connect •

Creating connection

Through Shared Experiences

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Connection is why we’re here.  It is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.

~ Brené Brown


Pinnacles – you are always stunning

Winter NorCal 2023 Airstream Rally at Pinnacles National Park. Always beautiful. New friend Alicia joined for the day; she’s the sister of my good friend Laurea — a Chief in New York that I’ve never met in person, but now

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Paso — Kitty Abduction

We came for fellowship (and wine). We got freezing temperatures (and more fellowship). We holed up in single Airstreams all weekend and it was divine. I’ve always said we act like little kids away at camp. This time we went

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A Daughter Never Forgets. #goals #gratitude

Anyone who knows me well is aware that the gap created by the loss of my parents almost seven years ago is still an ache I can’t heal. So it was with deep admiration when I read what a fellow

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Bella does Bodega Bay

One of our Airstream famiglia caught eight crabs from a kayak… while three of us caught an expensive charter boat to get ten crabs each and a ride around the Bay. That’s just one of many fun differences this group

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Solutions to Chaos and Crayons on the Walls

It took 20 years to figure out that I couldn’t independently solve the crisis of chaos in corporate America. But it took less than 20 days to realize that resilient teams empowered with self-governed operating rhythms would creatively manage chaos

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