Volume X-Avril-XXMM

Happy Easter   Happy Passover  ~  Happy Spring

art credit:  Jenny @ Glitter & Grey

Perspective Shift.  My good friend and Orangetheory coach, Vic, responded to the last message about the importance of Words with something I wanted to share.  She reflected how being confined (with two itty-bitty guys and one big guy) is hard, but that these are memories she wouldn’t trade for the world.  And then, as she often does, she said the wisest thing: she said it was all about shifting your perspective.  She shared this video (1:24), which clearly is geared toward Moms… but who can’t relate to this?  

When everything seems to be going wrong, it takes a significant amount of courage and strength to refocus and shift your perspective.  Sometimes it’s just not even practical until you have support and can stand back for a moment, like the Mom in the video was able to do at the end of the day once her partner arrived home.  But once you’re able to look at things differently… that’s where the Magic really lives.

For most of us, our lives are probably a lot more similar to the Mom in Vic’s video than to the “character” I’m about to introduce.  But wouldn’t it be great if we could start to train ourselves to think differently from the moment things seemed to be less than ideal?  Yep, I know… that really would be the Holy Grail!  I ran across an interesting and fairly entertaining piece about Perspective Shifts as emulated by Yoda (yep, the 800 year-old Grand Master of the Jedi Order from the famed Star Wars franchise).  If any of you For those of you who are Simon Sinek fans, as I got deeper into the Yoda story I totally connected Yoda’s teachings to The Infinite Game – talk about a mind-trip!  Take a few minutes and read “How to Master the Art of the Perspective Shift” – whether or not you aspire to be a Jedi Master, you’ll enjoy the journey.  And along the way, I think you’ll pick up some inspiration for shifting perspective…  Enjoy!