I have been a big fan of John Krasinski’s series of “Some Good News” episodes over the last couple of months, so it is with mixed emotions that I share that last night he posted the final (“8 of 8”) segment:  Some Good News with John Krasinski: The SGN Community Episode!  In this episode, he acknowledges very clearly that it has always been about the VIEWERS… and he passed the proverbial baton to us to continue showcasing that there are good things happening all around us. In a Twitter post, he shared what might have been his intention all along:  

“Saved the best for last! Episode 8 of @somegoodnews has to be my favorite because it celebrates the truth of what this show has always been. Never mine, always yours! There IS and ALWAYS WILL BE…good in the world!” he wrote. “Thank you all! So long but not farewell!”

What a run!  In eight short 20-min video montages he:

  • Took a group of front-line healthcare heroes in Boston (his hometown) to their beloved Fenway Park to throw out a proverbial first pitch
  • Gathered celebrity chefs like Martha Stewart and Guy Fieri to pair with people like us to make our favorite recipes
  • Celebrated a virtual prom across the internet with music supplied by the Jonas Brothers and Billie Eilish
  • Hosted a virtual commencement that included phenomenal wisdom shared by Oprah, Steven Spielberg, Jon Stewart, and Malala
  • Had weather reports delivered by the likes of Robert DeNiro, Brad Pitt, Ryan Reynolds and Emma Stone
  • Video conferenced with astronauts – still up in space, btw…
  • And still probably my favorite… reunited the original cast of Hamilton to serenade a 9 year-old girl who’s show was canceled

But more importantly… he wove in clips of how people live and love. He reminded us that despite our complaints about how things have changed, we still have an amazing capacity to reach and serve others. I remember the elderly (veteran) neighbor mowing the lawn for the soldier who is serving overseas, because he committed to his neighbor that he’d watch after his wife and kids while he was away. I remember the man finding a crane to lift him to the upper-level windows of the assisted living facility where his wife now lived so he could see his sweetheart (since the facility was closed to visitors). I remember many stories of humanity from NYC – the epicenter of all epicenters… from hospital beds being rolled outside to take in last sunsets to the entire city stopping to recognize their healthcare heroes every night at the shift change. There really is… so much good in this world. And many of us (hand in air, Peeps…) need help seeing it. Thank you, John Krasinski, for pulling together a pretty little package for us to enjoy every week that reminded us how much Good really is right outside our doors.

Of course, that’s never enough. [Pause for eyerolls.] [Continue Pause.] What can I contribute? I’m not a celebrity. I don’t have Oprah’s cell phone number (or even Martha Stewart). I can’t open up Levi’s Stadium and invite some deserving folks to throw a football. Oh, but there are things we all have and can do… I’m more convinced than ever that the playing field has leveled a bit with so many of us sheltered-in-place and social options more virtually delivered. The resourceful and creative (and committed) amongst us can truly make a difference during these times. 

I was inspired this morning by a local story in San Jose. This young man (age 24) is a mural painter. His paid project work has dried up, but he is still using his talents around downtown San Jose to inspire others, to bring #joy, and to focus people on the positive. I can only imagine that his financial situation is tenuous given his young age and work has slowed significantly, but he still gives to the community by painting messages of hope and inspiration on vacant buildings. Yep, I think we all have something to give, when the time is right… What’s it going to be for you this week? Get inspired by the possibilities. ❤️