Volume VIII-Mai-XXMM

SGN Graduation with Oprah, Steven Spielberg, Jon Stewart, and Malala

In this installment of John Krasinski’s weekly Some Good News programming, he focuses on the lost opportunities of graduates set to be conferred degrees across the world.  But this is pretty special, and you don’t need to be a 2020 grad to reap the benefits of the dialogue that starts at around 11:15.  Krasinski didn’t want the traditional commencement speech, so he asked a set of graduates to submit a question and then he chose four and paired those graduates with a perfect mentor — Oprah, Steven Spielberg, Jon Stewart, and Malala.  The next 12 minutes is some of the best, most authentic, nuggets of wisdom shared by these iconic figures as they seek to share their life experience in supporting and guiding their graduate in a conversation that responds to their questions.  It’s well worth your time…  I need some extra wisdom, so I might just watch it again!  (And tell me… there were times I’m convinced that John Krasinski was on the verge of tears to have a ringside seat to these conversations – agree?)

Enjoy your weekend…  For those of you outside NorCal, it’s a heat wave here – we hit the mid-90s today in places on the peninsula.  I hope everyone is well, happy, and looking forward to the future.  For those of you who celebrate Mother’s Day in some fashion, may Sunday honor you and those who fill those roles around you.  And if you struggle with Mother’s Day for the multitude of reasons some do, then I hope you find peace and eventually the possibility of celebrating others whose selfless actions and tireless giving really are creating a better world for everyone.  

Until next week…