Monthly Archives

August 2022


Character and Integrity

News Flash: Character and integrity are unrelated to political or religious affiliation. Keep your heart and your eyes open and you’ll find lessons for both in unexpected and wonderful places.

E2C_Connection, E2C_FutureofWork

What We Do Matters

There’s a group of women in CHIEF who commit their time each week to write and post in LinkedIn. They’ve become quite the tight-knit community — a collective of thought leaders, a hen house of teasers. We banter, we think…


Perfectionism: It does more harm than good

Perfectionism… I suffer. And I work on it… all the time. Like many things, awareness helps keep this common challenge from having an ugly hold on our life. As leaders, perfectionism is especially problematic. Read below for how we can…

E2C_Bella, E2C_FutureofWork

Community is Everything

#Bellameetings #Bestmeetings The new world of work allows us to be anywhere, everywhere, and in our best possible frame of mind. Here’s to more fresh air, more #womenempoweringwomen, and #moreofthis.
