Monthly Archives

May 2020


We Can Do Hard Thigs 😊

Volume XXI-Mai-XXMM I have shared a lot more than I intended to when I started this little communication outreach project. I honestly thought I was going to forward funny memes, links to interesting stories or personal development opportunities, rah-rah pitches…


Go Create Waves

Volume V-Mai-XXMM I’ve long known that the ripples of what we do – good and bad – roll much further downstream than just the point of where the rock strikes the surface.  I’ve experienced the butterfly effect firsthand when the impact reaches…


Holstee Manifesto + Lionheart

Volume VI-Mai-XXMM After yesterday’s note, a former colleague and now lifelong friend sent me a link to the image below. I didn’t ask her, but I thought it would be appropriate to share. [She’s a little busy with a brand…


Get Focused on the Next Right Thing

Volume IV-Mai-XXMM Below was the most important thing I read today, and that truly is saying a lot…  Most of you recognize the format as LinkedIn, but I believe the sentiment applies to family, business, or even solo self-management conundrums…
