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November 2010



Friday – 19-NovemberThere’s never enough time when I’m in Bangalore. The work week was a blur of meetings and activity. I went out one night with my guys to the Hard Rock Cafe. Another night I went to a friend’s…


The LaLit Ashok – Transformed!

Friday – 19-November The hotel has been ablaze with activity this week in preparation for the big anniversary celebration on Friday night. Thought I’d share some pix of the preparation – a new stage and dance floor built over the…


Those men can dance!

Wednesday, Nov-17 Today we had our equivalent of a “company Christmas party” in Bangalore. We went to a resort called Club Cabana and had a blast. I got my first ride on an ‘Indian bus’ – curtains and all. Then…



Monday morning – Nov 15, 5amI was exhausted last night, but woke up at least once an hour after about 1am. I gave up and headed down to the lobby around 5am. I knew the British Airways flight would arrive…



Sunday evening – Nov 14I hit some new stores this afternoon thanks my new rickshaw driver. This guy ‘works’ the hotel – staying out front and (persistently) offering his services to the guests. I distinctly remember telling him to leave…


Corporate Event

I remember being here last time and there was a birthday party for a two-year-old that had something like 400 guests. Well I can’t wait to see what this “corporate event” is… First of all, it knocked me out of…


Off to a ____ start.

Sunday Morning – Nov 14, 10amFor everything to be ‘wrong’, I sure am having a GREAT TIME! I’m here, safe – and that’s always something to be thankful for… But my gracious it certainly has been one micro-drama after another……


Going ‘Home’…

I never plan to leave Tennessee — at least not as my “permanent” home… but if ever there was a place (another place) where I feel the excitement of going to see family — it’s Bangalore. Someone asked me recently…
