Monthly Archives

April 2010


Tuesday 20-April (9pm): Handlers

(This one is for Mom & Dad.)People often ask if I feel safe travelling alone outside the States, and I often respond that I’d have to try REALLY hard to get into trouble because I have so many handlers watching…


Sunday 18-April (5pm): I do it myself!

It’s no surprise to any of you that my first complete sentence was “I do it myself”… However, in Bangalore that has been difficult to put into practice. I have an extensive set of well-intended ‘handlers’ here and every move…


Friday 16-April (11am): My friend, Phoebe.

When I first started to put the Dalian site together, there was no team in China. Just me… me and Phoebe. Phoebe was the project manager assigned by the Dalian Software Park team to help us negotiate the task of…


Wednesday 14-April (7pm): Hot Pot!

One of my colleagues, Tracy, had been to Nashville a year or so ago and we spent a lot of time together then. She took me shopping on Wednesday night. I wasn’t good company – the jet lag had hit…
