Monthly Archives

January 2010


Not so hot. [Saturday, Jan-30]

… but I’ll take it! In all the times I’ve been here, I have never set foot in the spa until last Tuesday. So this morning I got up and toodled around. I made my way upstairs and found an…


Mangalorian Meal. [Friday, Jan-29]

Went to dinner with my leadership team tonight. We had the best time. I just love these guys! Great food, great company; only problem is (class tech support behavior) – they stayed on their Blackberries the whole time! 🙂 And…


A little more gold. [Tuesday, Jan-26]

Today’s shopping was wonderful – I really need to find a way to make a career of this. We started the afternoon with a really nice lunch where my friends presented me with a post-Christmas present: a 23kt gold Kasu…


I survived. [Tuesday, Jan-26]

Nope, I did not drown. And I now have something new to add to my routine here at the Ashok! Head and shoulder massage. Therapeutic oils. Followed by time in the sauna and then the steam room. Oooooooh, this is…


“Other” American Women. [Tuesday, Jan-26]

Well, I took the hotel by storm. I’m the modern day equivalent of Sherman taking Atlanta and these guys just don’t quite know what to think of me. (Sherman… wonder how looked in pink?!) I get out of the car…


Leaving… [Sunday, Jan-24]

I can thank the Travel Department for a nice (truly) layover here at O’Hare. It certainly gives me some much-needed catch up time to knock out a few ‘to do’ items before I officially leave US soil. It has been…
