Monthly Archives

November 2008


Sunday at home.

Home — with friends. As if I weren’t spoiled enough alreadddddddyyyy! I was treated to an absolutely incredible lunch at the home of my new friend Shalini. Lovely home, complete with a housekeeper that works 7-4 each day for the…



[Yes, Denise – that one’s for you!] So – along my travels yesterday, I made friends with a local (political) celebrity. While having some masala dosa in an outdoor garden restaurant (“truck stop”) on our way to Halebid & Belur,…


Tomorrow — NOT just another day at the office!

So – my first “real” weekend… and the spoiling continues! My friend who last year took me to Iskon – the fabulous contemporary Hindu temple here in Bangalore… she and her fiancé are taking me temple hopping to ancient temples…


Death by pothole.

The trip to Halebid and Belur were an eye-opener. Not so much for the beautiful temples (and they were!)… but for the amazingly terrible road conditions. This woke me up to the fact that if India had decent infrastructure (we…


A stitch in time…

Saves none, actually, but where in the States could I get such one-of-a-kind pieces? I’ve been getting a little restless. Being in the office from 8:30am to 10pm most days, the proverbial walls are starting to close in on me….


Home is where you hang your hat.

I develop routines on these long-haul trips. I open my balcony door while I’m getting ready for work every morning. It’s perfect fall weather here (as opposed to Tennessee where it has been down in the frigid 30-degree range several…


And now, a word from our sponsors.

This is, of course, a work trip. And I avoid talking too much about work (as I’ve said – what idiot would want to hear THOSE stories)? But there’s one I just have to share… So Sunday (after my 3am…
