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October 2007


Life is in the Journey, Not the Destination

Funny story from my weekend trip to Mysore. About mid-afternoon, we’re motoring along and the driver slows down… and then stops. I can’t figure out why – we’re in the middle of nowhere. And he says – “A cow. You’ve…


My first rickshaw ride

An auto-rickshaw, to be more specific. I love these! It’s a small, efficient, open-air cab… and it’s cheap. I took a quick trip to the “stitching place” today and it cost me the equivalent of about thirty cents US. I’m…


Lions and Tigers and Bears… oh my!

Changes of plans often turn out for the best. Remember how I said yesterday that I was having a princess-moment? Well today, I was the princess! My planets were all aligned. (Where the heck’s that King?!) This morning I attended…


Mysore (it’s all sore!)

I’m petitioning the local government to change the name to My___sore, so we tourists can just fill it in. Myfeetsore (from walking barefoot through the palace), Myheadsore (from all the blaring horns), Mybacksore (from a fits&jerks drive from Bangalore)… The…


Reeeeeeeeeee-united! And it feeeeels so goood…..

If you don’t remember this Peaches & Herb classic, then you’re too young to be reading this adult-only blog. (Just kidding, Jackson and John!) So I’m replacing “Nope, Nyet, Nada” with “Yes! Oui! Si-si! After my first week at the…


The Minimalist Approach Continues

Luggage Update – Friday morning, India:Frustration, Amazement, but Still No Luggage Otherwise… one of the local managers showed me around last night to some touristy places here in Bangalore. We went to MG Road – that would be Mahatma Gandhi…


for Jackson and John

Dear Sweet Nephews,Jackson asked about the pool after I mentioned I was sitting near it while writing a blog posting on Wednesday morning. I have breakfast by the pool every morning, and it is quite pretty. There are beautiful blue…


Day 2 – Alas, no…

Nope. Nada. Nyet. NO LUGGAGE. And it is technically Day 4, since I left the States on Sunday… and as of Wednesday night I’m still trying embrace this new minimalist approach. This calamity (and goodness knows I’m looking for that…


Reflections on Day 1

This may get long… I’m sittin’ by the pool at 4:30 a.m., drinking strong coffee (has a bit of a chickory taste to it, for those of you who have had that particular coffee in New Orleans), watching the groundskeepers…


Welcome to Aspect

Okay, guys…. it’s going to be office culture and random city traffic musings these first few days until I get out over the weekend and go see some pretty temples and such. Wanted to show you this… Here in the…
